
Showing posts with the label Cardinal Schönborn

Artist's portrayal of Child with Stigmata too much even for the Vienna Cathedral Chapter

Cardinal says Pope can change Catechism at doctrinal whim

Schönborn, Lackner and progressive female theologian Csiszar nominated for the Synodal meeting in Rome

Cardinal thinks Austria remains spiritual despite decline in Catholicism

Cardinal warns against ecclesiastical navel-gazing. Tells Synodalists to take it easy.

Cardinal Schönborn being kept in office to sustain the Synod

"Campus of Religions" planned by Archdiocese of Vienna

In 2008, the Archdiocese of Vienna gave a home-grown firework display of scandals

Salzburg Pastoral Conference is a synodalist's paradise

Cardinal Schönborn speculates about next Pope

Church needs "constitutional changes" according to Head of Catholic Action Austria

Fraternity of St Pius X now owns church right in the centre of Vienna

Pope is said to have criticized Cardinal Schönborn over Islam

Inter-religious education replaces Catholic education in Austria

Full interview- Cardinal Müller speaks out on Catechism, Amoris Laetitia and the Correctio Filialis, attacks bishops

Cardinal describes how the Catechism was written and never really accepted in Germany.